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Friday, June 2, 2023

Almost a year


Anyone who knows ME knows this upcoming week may prove difficult.

I've taken the whole week off and am planning on laying low. I will have "therapy" in the shape of a very dear friend who will do anything for me should I need it therapy-wise and another very special person in my life who is a call or a text away. 

Tuesday will be a whole year since a heart shattering shit storm happened early one Monday morning and began back in the early part of the year, 2021. The bittersweet beginning to the end a year ago on June 3rd started with a very fast ambulance ride to a different hospital and wound up terminating early in the morning on June 6. 

June 6th is the day I'm trepidatiously waiting on being "over" if I'm being frank. Heh. 

To say I'm not looking forward to it is putting it so mildly I don't even know how to describe it. I.Will.Be.Fine. I am a warrior. I am a fierce entity. I will be fine, but again I'm just not looking forward to the feelings that will arise. I will greet that day with swords out, fangs bared and a deep seated scream to anyone who dares cross me that day. 

There may be tears.

No, there will be tears.

There will probably also be utter and sheer panic, but that too will be met with a ferocity from deep within that only one who's gone through this would understand. 

Hug your loved ones, tell folks you care about that you LOVE them. Fuck shyness, fuck fear, fuck anything that stands in your way...

Love, Live, Lust, Learn, Let go and accept things you cannot change even if they scare you so much you can't breathe....

Just live. 

The "After"

Weird Melissa'isms.  The other night while driving home from Daytona, I had a profound and odd thought that popped into my head about ...