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Friday, December 31, 2021

Monkey Wrench in the works...early in the year, 2021. Beginnings.

 I don't have a date here, just a remembrance. 

Sam's Club - Sam's Club starting with Covid I think began a pick-up option for customers. We have an upstairs bathroom that had (we've been working on it so past tense - HAD) an old pale pink/beige toilet in desperate need of replacing. It had some issues and was kind of low-down to the ground, just old and needing an upgrade.. Covid being around, we weren't exactly having guests over, but with Covid, we'd both worked in the upstairs bedroom from time to time. Hubs had gotten a standing desk and a treadmill and worked up there from time to time. He has a trainer up there too for days when it was too rainy or too cold to get some exercise. 

I was browsing Sam's Club one morning and laughingly said to hubs that I could get a toilet pick-up. Do it! was the resounding response, so I did.

He went and did the pick-up that day - I want to say it was February, (It was actually January, I found out recently looking back at receipts) but would need to go and look at my receipt to confirm. We were both tickled that we could order a toilet online and the store would bring it and our other stuff we'd ordered online out to our SUV and load it up for us. 

We got it in the garage where it sat for a short time before we had time to get to work on replacing the old one upstairs with it. I'd said that I wanted to help. Time got in the way and we hadn't quite gotten around to replacing it. 

Over one weekend soon after we got it, though, hubs went up there, late February/early March and started on it. That was the day he hurt himself.

He had gotten the original toilet separated from the floor and in the process of moving it realized the tank had water in it still. Hearing/feeling it slosh, he twisted to catch it as he was moving it away from where it'd been and moved the wrong way. In hindsight, he said he wound up lying down on the floor for a while after he got hurt. 

The pain never went away.


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