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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Complications or some such - Part 2


May 8 - Complications Continued

Thursday the 5th rolled around and we went to Brandon's PET scan down in Daphne. I dropped him off at the front door and went to park. We now have a handicap placard and plate and I took advantage of it and parked in a spot designated for someone with those credentials.

Went inside, filled out paperwork, paid co-pay and Craig came out and whisked Brandon away. I went out into the bigger lobby of the establishment to get away from folks who were in the waiting room where scans, etc. were being done and settled down to continue working.

After a while, I felt my phone vibrate and saw that Brandon had sent me a text; it was a screenshot of the transcription of a VM he'd gotten from our pulmonologist. Basically what it said was that they got the cultures back and that he has a wicked infection, something called an Empyema. Won't go into the details of that, hence the link. Not something "great". 

Pulmonology called in a second round of the same antibiotics now that they knew what it was. Another two weeks worth of the same stuff they'd prescribed the day before. Bring on the pro/prebiotics! 

We basically went "blah" over the weekend. 

Roll on Monday, the 9th - Today. 

Brandon had his ultrasound scheduled for the afternoon. I also placed a call to the cancer center to see if we could talk to them about doing something more for pain management. His pain has been getting worse. Worse to the point that some frank things have been mentioned on what a struggle everything has become and how unhappy he is (me trailing off here as that was difficult to hear again).

Again, NOT about me, but imagine hearing those words. Anyway, ultrasound was fine, no blockages, so Yay for that! 

Moving along...short while ago, my phone rang and it was the cancer center. One of the CRNA's had called me back and said they got the results of the PET Scan and asked if Brandon was present - yes. They wanted to talk to both of us. 

Here goes: "Not surprising, but the cancer is somewhat worse, new bony lesions, specifically ribs." I think he said on the right side AND his right lung "lit up". I mentioned the visit to the pulmonologist and the Empyema and the Induration as well and oncology said oh, well that could be the lung looks like it does. He wants to see us in a couple weeks after the antibiotics and " go from there".

He did agree to starting the injections to help with his bones and strengthening them. We should start those this week. 

So...that's where we are with things now. 

My goal - make hubs as comfortable as I can, somehow learn to ask for help even though I don't know what I (we) need help with?, take a minute for myself (walks, naps, goofy videos, stupid games), and just "be". 

Just keep moving

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