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Saturday, June 4, 2022

The latest...


June 4, 2022 - We're down at Thomas Hospital and stuff has accelerated a bit, maybe even a lot. They came in about 30 minutes ago and had him use his breathing tube to help vibrate up some of the junk in his lungs. Also gave him some cough meds and some anti-anxiety meds. Thankfully, he's relaxed enough to sleep.

Monday, May 23rd 2022, we went to the ER as Brandon was short of breath. He got whisked right back and was already being gowned when I got back into the hospital from having parked the car. We hung out in the ER for several hours and our very dear friend Kevin showed up and hung out with us all day. 

I don't remember the time, but eventually, they moved him up to a room and we stayed with him until a little after 9 pm. I talked to my dad for a bit on the ride home, crying. As always he had some perspective. Tough but I still need to keep my head up. 

After I arrived home, I did a few quick things then headed to one of our neighbors and sat up with her til almost 1 in the morning. Cried, had wine, laughed, cried some more, lamented on life in general and what a complete shit show stuff is right now. 

It was suggested that due to his condition; not eating a lot, not moving a lot, etc., that these were "signs". Honestly? he's so frail right now it's scary. 

He stayed at the hospital in town until yesterday afternoon. I went up every day for pretty much all day. Stayed in touch with family, friends and work. He had two Thoracentesis procedures done while he was there, both produced over 2 liters of fluid from his LEFT lung. Also had a CT and a bronchoscopy done. 

Unfortunately, his right lung is pretty much "fubar". Encased in tumor, very edemic and really there's not a thing they can do with it. As such, it's "off the table". Dr. Paul, general surgeon said it's possible they could place a catheter like the one he has in his right chest wall to do the same thing for/from/to his left pleural space. Internal Meds doc said pretty much the same thing yesterday, IF Brandon was up for it. Brandon gave a thumbs up. So here we are, now. 

Unfortunately, it looks like it won't be until Monday that they can do the procedure. So, now we wait.


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